Michelle Chen Miao

Michelle Chen Miao

Michelle Chen Miao

Chen Miao is a well-known film directors of China New Cinema. A graduate of Beijing Film Academy, she went to study and work in Fox Worldwide in US, before returning to China to apply her Western experience to filmmaking. Her feature film “Son of the Stars” won the Best Upcoming Director’s Awards at China American Film Festival, won the Best Actress Award and the Best Humanity Awards at Beijing Youth Film Festival, won the Best Young Writer/Director Award from Shanghai Culture Development Funds, etc. Her first feature film “Mi Ni” was theatrically released nationwide in greater China. “A Girl Thirteen” was entered into the 60th Cannes Film Festival for the Junior Competition and won Best Digital Film at the Beijing Youth Film Festival. She is a seasoned documentary filmmaker. Her documentaries “The Snake Boy”, “Shanghai Dreams”, “Lulu and Me” have been critically acclaimed at various international film festivals and have been broadcasted by TV channels throughout China and Asia. Chen Miao is the founder of “Temperature Movie”, a multiple media platform in China.

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